Inspect and Select Hot Topics for Speaking Engagements


Climate Change Science and Understanding

A series of engaging climate change presentations provides academic and lay audiences with entertaining and variable depth understanding of this hot topic. This series, developed in collaboration with leading climate science educators, is popular with a myriad of audiences.


Polar Bears and Climate Change

As a Polar Bear Ambassador for the Polar Bears International he generates passion and learned understanding of the captivating facts and science behind current knowledge. His book, The Last Little Polar Bear engages audiences of many ages.


Sustainability and Climate Change

Twenty years after sustainability science was launched we have clarity on many components of our world that will help us frame societies’ collective efforts towards a sustainable future. 


The Global Environment-View from the summit

Based on the perspectives afforded to a senior international environmental scientist, a view from the summit explores framework facts and knowledge to provide an essential baseline for better understanding our changing planet.


Ocean World

The majority of the planet’s water surface remains unexplored. This former Navy frogman and professor of oceanography provides inspired visual perspectives of the underwater world’s major oceanographic and biodiversity domains.


STEM Education Making It Real

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math permeate our daily lives. Educators are rediscovering the importance of offering new models for harnessing students’ passion to learn science and inspiring average students towards technology oriented careers.


Google Earth Technology

Early visionaries like Buckminster Fuller, Ian McHarg, and NASA astronauts predicted the role of technology for future civilizations. From Google Earth to smart phones and cloud computing exciting new possibilities exist for the future of citizens and society.


Citizen Scientists and Social Media

Scientists are amazed at the power of the ‘Wisdom of Crowds’ to accurately solve complex computational problems. Discover how crowd sourcing volunteered information and social networks are creating a new revolutionary paradigm for society, science, and governance.

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"A masterful story-teller, Tim's lectures present a refreshing view of the facts with just the right amount of thought provoking humor, he provides us with a common world view of the state of our planet Earth and our place in it."